Having survived nearly a quarter of a century, the BNA board determined that it was time to update the current association's bylaws to enhance its efficiency as a board as well as improve processes within board functionality. Although the board the has approved the new document recommended by the ByLaws Committee, to be official, it must also be approved by the neighborhood membership - being you.
Below are links to the current (1999) bylaws and the new (2023) proposed document. They have been saved as electronic PDF files. You can download both and easily compare the latest changes and modifications. The 2023 version also has highlights in yellow and pink indicating deleted and added content, as well as corrected spelling and grammar, among other things.
Should you have any issues or questions concerning either document please don't hesitate to contact the office at 616.821.3740.
BNA Crime Prevention Coordinator: 616.821.3740
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